§ 53A-6-104. Board licensure.  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) The board may issue licenses for educators.
    (b) A person employed in a position that requires licensure by the board shall hold the appropriate license.
    (a) The board may by rule rank, endorse, or otherwise classify licenses and establish the criteria for obtaining and retaining licenses.
    (i) The board shall make rules requiring participation in professional development activities or compliance with a school district professional development plan as provided in Subsection (4) in order for educators to retain their licenses.
    (ii) An educator who is enrolling in a course of study at an institution within the state system of higher education to satisfy the professional development requirements of Subsection (2)(b)(i) is exempt from tuition, except for a semester registration fee established by the State Board of Regents, if:
    (A) the educator is enrolled on the basis of surplus space in the class after regularly enrolled students have been assigned and admitted to the class in accordance with regular procedures, normal teaching loads, and the institution's approved budget; and
    (B) enrollments are determined by each institution under rules and guidelines established by the State Board of Regents in accordance with findings of fact that space is available for the educator's enrollment.
    (3) Except as provided in Subsection (4), unless suspended or revoked by the board, or surrendered by the educator:
    (a) a letter of authorization is valid for one year, or a shorter period as specified by the board, subject to renewal by the board in accordance with board rules;
    (b) a competency-based license remains valid;
    (c) a level 1 license is valid for three years, subject to renewal by the board in accordance with board rules;
    (d) a level 2 license is valid for five years, subject to renewal by the board in accordance with board rules; and
    (e) a level 3 license is valid for seven years, subject to renewal by the board in accordance with board rules.
    (4) Unless suspended or revoked by the board, or surrendered by the educator, a level 1, level 2, level 3, or competency-based license shall remain valid if:
    (a) the license holder is employed by a school district that has a comprehensive program to maintain and improve educators' skills in which performance standards, educator evaluation, and professional development are integrated; and
    (b) the license holder complies with school or school district professional development requirements.
Amended by Chapter 315, 2003 General Session